Become a friend image
The Penn’s Prairie is relying on the generosity of private donors. If you would like to make a charitable tax-deductible contribution by check, please make the check payable to “Penn’s Prairie at Tri-municipal Park, Inc. (TMP Inc) ”. Please mail the check along with the form below to the following address: Penn’s Prairie Park, PO Box 207, Centre Hall, PA 16828.
Gift Response Form

Memorial Options
You may commemorate a loved one or express your support of the park by sponsoring a tree or a bench.

Here is a way to honor a family member in a very special way. A beautiful park bench with your loved one's name can be purchased and placed at Penn’s Prairie. The bench will remain on park grounds until it becomes unsafe or aesthetically unacceptable. The cost of a commemorative bench is $1500. A personalized plaque will be created for your dedication. All commemorative plaques consists of one or two commemorative headings and honoree text. The Park staff will work with you to select your bench location and plaque language.
Memorial bench form

The Memorial Tree Program offers participants a unique way to honor a loved one or remember a special event by donating a tree to Penn’s Prairie. The Penn’s Prairie staff will plant a tree in the park and attach a tree tag with the type of tree, the name of the donator(s) and the name of the honored person, pet, or event. Program participants receive a commemorative certificate and a map identifying the specific location of their donated memorial tree. Trees can grow for several hundred years making them an enduring, living memorial or tribute for a loved one or a wonderful way to honor someone for their birthday, marriage, anniversary, or any special occasion. The cost of a commemorative tree is $700 for a 2" caliper tree and $800 for a 2 ½" caliper tree. The trees will be professionally planted in the fall to provide the best start for the young tree. Care and maintenance will be provided by Penn’s Prairie, and the tree will be guaranteed for one year.
Memorial Tree Program