memorial tree program image
The Memorial Tree Program
Penn’s Prairie
 “Perhaps nature is our best assurance of immortality.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Donor Information‐
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________City___________________________
State ____________________Zip Code______________ Telephone number________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________
The following information will appear on your certificate and tree tag. Please print legibly. This tree is being planted in recognition of _________________________________________
Choose the Wording for Engraving and Clipart
***Please specify below where you would like the certificate and location map mailed. The address you list below is where this information will be mailed after the tree is planted.
*** _________ Check here if same as DONATOR INFORMATION.
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
City: ____________________ State: _______ Zip: _________p
The cost of a commemorative tree is $700 for a 2” caliper tree and $800 for a 2 ½” caliper tree. Engraving add $150. Care and maintenance will be provided by Penn’s Prairie, and the tree will be guaranteed for one year
SEND COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT TO:   Penn’s Prairie Park, PO Box 207, Centre Hall, PA 16828.
Printable form
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